Program Manual
runcpp2 [options] [input_file]
-b, --[b]uild Build the script and copy output files to the working directory
-w, --[w]atch Watch script changes and output any compiling errors
-l, --[l]ocal Build in the current working directory under .runcpp2 directory
-e, --[e]xecutable Runs as executable instead of shared library
-c, --[c]onfig <file> Use specified config file instead of default
-t, --create-script-[t]emplate <file> Creates/prepend runcpp2 script info template
-s, --build-[s]ource-only (Re)Builds source files only without building dependencies.
The previous built binaries will be used for dependencies.
Requires dependencies to be built already.
-j, --[j]obs Maximum number of threads running. Defaults to 8
-rc, --[r]eset-[c]ache Deletes compiled source files cache only
-ru, --[r]eset-[u]ser-config Replace current user config with the default one
-rd, --[r]eset-[d]ependencies <names> Reset dependencies (comma-separated names, or "all" for all)
-cu, --[c]lean[u]p Run cleanup commands and remove build directory
-sc, --[s]how-[c]onfig-path Show where runcpp2 is reading the config from
-v, --[v]ersion Show the version of runcpp2
-h, --[h]elp Show this help message
--log-level <level> Sets the log level (Normal, Info, Debug) for runcpp2.